Strategic Policies
On our first international conference in 2015, the participants adopted a civil society statement which laid out the guiding principles and strategic objectives of the WHW network.
They were compiled in 12 points:
Opening session of the Bonn Conference, 2015
We are in the process of formulating Policy Papers on the following subjects, to be introduced to the delibarations of the World Heritage Committe on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the World Heritage Convention in 2022:
Promoting the adoption of binding regulations for World Heritage properties on
- Tourism in World Heritage sites
- Water management in catchment areas of World Heritage sites
- Measures to be taken with a view to mitigate climate change
- Sustainable livelihoods in and around World Heritage sites
- Formulation of Statements of Incompatibility with tecnical infrastructure, the use of agro-chemicals, hunting, and others.
- Management of World Heritage sites
Questions relating to the works of the Convention in general
- Averting an inflation and devaluation of the World Heritage List;
- Adoption of detailed and binding guidelines for boundaries, core and buffer zones of World Heritage sites;
- Bringing standards of the World Heritage Convention in line with other relevant Conventions for the safeguarding of natural, landscape and cultural heritage;
- Repenting of considerations unrelated to heritage in the decision-making by the World Heritage Committee;
- Securing the financing of the World Heritage;
- Enshrining a structural role of civil society in the statutory documents of the World Heritage Convention.