
The World Heritage Watch Report

Since 2015, World Heritage Watch has published an annual report compiling independent information from civil society on the situation at World Heritage properties. This report is intended to supplement the reports submitted by the States Parties. It is sent to the Member States of the World Heritage Committee, to the World Heritage Centre, and to the Advisory Bodies IUCN, ICOMOS and ICCROM*in time to be considered for their decisions.
* IUCN – International Union for the Conservation of Nature, ICOMOS – International Council for Monuments and Sites, ICCROM – International Centre for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments

The World Heritage Watch Forum

World Heritage Watch organizes an International Civil Society Forum twice a year: One in February at UNESCO in Paris where representatives of civil society and indigenous peoples present reports on the situation at World Heritage sites, and discuss them with representatives of the World Heritage Centre, ICOMOS, IUCN and ICCROM. A second Forum is held immediately preceding the annual session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, discussing strategic policy issues and coordinating interventions on the Session.

Public Campaigns

In cases of an acute or serious threat to a World Heritage property, World Heritage Watch will call on the international community to struggle for the most valuable sites of our common heritage and to remind the governments of their responsibility for the world heritage.

Project Support

As far as possible, World Heritage Watch will support local initiatives by funding practical projects for the protection and adequate utilization of World Heritage properties. Such projects may contribute, for example, to raising awareness of the general population, improving participation in decision-making processes, facilitating cultural activities related to the world heritage, developing world heritage tourism, other measures to strengthen the local economy, or promoting the training of experts in the management of World Heritage properties.